Each day is unique and no child is compelled to participate in every activity, but our day is organized around a flexible schedule.
Every child is warmly greeted. Each is invited to one of several activity centers to help them separate and ease into their school day.
Because we have a large staff, we are all able to tend to the wants and needs of the children. Except for two circle times for the entire class, we work in small groups on a variety of activities, and we never deprive a child of individual attention when it is needed.
Typical small group activities include sand and water play, baking and cooking, feeding our birds, fish and rabbit, Montessori materials, reading stories, planting, play-doh, and special projects for holidays.
Art activities include easel painting, collage, water colors, scissor cutting and clay. Play areas offer the opportunity to develop large motor skills on our climbing equipment, riding toys, and merry-go-round.