I consent to the enrollment of the child listed above in this facility and have been advised of the policies regarding administration of medications, fees, transportation and the services provided by the facility, and the Office of Children and Family Services regulations under which it operates.
I give consent for my child to take part in neighborhood trips (i.e. library, park and playground) away from the facility under proper
supervision. Yes No
In case of accident or injury, I authorize any and all emergency medical, dental, and /or surgical care and hospitalization advised
by the physicians, surgeon or hospital (listed on the other side of this card) necessary for the proper health and well-being of my
child. Yes No
I have provided information on my child’s special needs (Allergies, Diet, Disabilities, and /or Medical Information) to the provider, as may be necessary to assist the facility in properly caring for my child in case of an emergency. Yes No
I agree to review and update this information whenever a change occurs and at least once every six months. Yes No