Watching a two-year-old can be fun and exhausting. Children in this age group are filled with energy and curiosity about the world and a new sense of increasing independence.
Two's are highly active and interested in objects and people. They're undergoing rapid development in many areas, and eager for attention to help them learn and understand basic things about how the world works.
Rite Choice Early Learning Child Care's unique Two's Day Care Curriculum is designed to support and reinforce the independence your two-year-old exhibits. Our child care program provides the structure and guidance she needs throughout his day as she learns to share, get along with others and perform tasks that require a longer attention span.
Listening to stories, singing songs, playing games and doing art projects help develop language and vocabulary skills, as well as movement and sensory motor skills. The Two's Day Care Program focuses on developing these skills and readying your child for his next step at Rite Choice, our Early Preschool Program.